Our Story: 'From Struggle to Shine'

The Inception
Strive EP was born from the fusion of two passions:
'Personal development' X 'Fashion'

Our Personal Connection
Our own journey of personal development played a pivotal role in shaping what Strive EP is today.
Going through struggles is just a part of life. Its about how we REACT to each of our struggles to become a better person.
We view struggle as a pathway to strength.
- "From Struggle 2 Shine" -

Guide To Greatness
We believe in supporting one another to become the best versions of ourselves.
Our values of individual progress and individual liberty underline the belief that everyone, regardless of where you come from, can strive to become a better version of yourself.
It’s about where your going.

Armour of Success.
When you wear Strive EP, you are already on the path to success.
Our garments aren’t just clothing it should serve as a constant reminder of what it is you’re striving for.

Community IMPACT
Strive EP's impact goes beyond just clothing.
We are committed to making a real difference in people's lives.
Collaborations with boxing gyms, charities, and learning and support initiatives spread throughout the UK.

Wearing our garments isn't just some fashion statement; It’s about your real personal transformation.
When you wear Strive EP you are telling the world that you’re worth more.

SFG (Strive For Greatness)
As the brand develops, so too does our vision.
Strive EP is so much more than just a generic clothing line.
It’s a lifestyle, but ONLY for those who seek greatness.
The ones in pursuit of their dreams.

Unlocking Greatness
Are you ready to invest in yourself, transform your life, and start making your visions a reality?
If you are then welcome, we’ve been expecting you.